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Английский язык

Обобщающий мультимедийный урок по английскому языку
в 7 классе по теме:
«Экологические проблемы»

Учитель: Лагутина Е. А.

МОУ СОШ № 11
С. Белая Глина Краснодарского края
2007 – 2008 учебный год



Кабинет украшен редкими животными. 
На доске эпиграф:  
«We can help clean up the planet.» 
Мультимедийный проектор.

Цели урока:

1. Актуализировать и развивать знания учащихся о защите окружающей среды.
2. Формировать навыки самостоятельного анализа и оценки предлагаемой им информации.
3. Развивать неподготовленную речь.
4. Воспитывать активную жизненную позицию, ответственное отношение к природе.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, ту dear friends I am glad to see you. Today we are going to discuss some problems. But before I want you to see a short film.
На экране появляются слайды, каждый сопровождается надписью и рассказом учителя. ( Всего 6 слайдов).
T: Now tell me: " How do you think, what the topic of our discussion is?”
Обсуждается тема урока. 
.P:” Ecological problems.”

2. Фонетическая и лексическая зарядка.

T: Well. We shall revise some words and expressions. (Слова написаны на слайдах)
Учащиеся читают слова и выражения и переводят их .  
To make laws to protect air, water and soil-создавать законы, чтобы защищать воздух воду и почву
То develop international cooperation- развивать международное сотрудничество
Rubbish problems- проблема отходов 
Nuclear power- ядерная энергию
 То pollute air-загрязнять воздух 
The greenhouse effect-парниковый эффект 
То chop trees-вырубать деревья 
То kill animals-убивать животных
То damage the environment-наносить вред окружающей среды 
То dump rubbish-сбрасывать отходы
 Проводится работа с лексикой.
3. Составление схемы экологических проблем.

 T: You know that people all over the world are worried about our environment. The problem of ecology is very important. Our planet is nice and beautiful. It is large. There are many ecological problems in our area. Try to name some of them.
Please, take a piece of paper and write down an ecological problem and put it on the blackboard. For example, I put the first problem. 
Учащиеся составляют схему экологических проблем. Первую проблему вписывает учитель, остальные добавляют учащиеся.

Now let’s discuss these problems. 

4. Обсуждение экологических проблем.
T: The planet Earth is our common home. The air, the sun, the sky, clouds, rivers, seas and oceans are parts of our environment. Plants, animals and people need clean water and clean air, but people’s activities can make the environment unhealthy. Do you agree with me?
P: Air and water pollution is one of the problems millions of people are worried about today. Most big cities dump their waste into seas and rivers. They become so acidic that fish cannot live there. Smoke from factory chimneys and gases in refrigerators and aerosol sprays pollute the air. They damage the ozone layer that covers the earth. Another problem is land pollution. People use too many chemicals to grow vegetables and fruit.
T: You can see that serious problems people have because of water, air and land pollution. This makes people worry about their environment. They must take care of the Earth for it to be a healthier place for living. What do you think about it?
P: Paper comes from trees. If we don’t recycle paper, a lot of trees are destroyed. The country side is spoiled. People cut down trees. Fires are started. We like flowers very much, but people shouldn’t pick wild flowers. If trees are destroyed and people pick flowers and grass, birds and animals may become extinct. Don’t harm plants!
T: Well, now let’s speak about our village of Belaya Glina.
P: We throw away too much and in the wrong place. We leave litter near the river. The water is polluted and the fish in the river die. Local industry pours its waste into the river Rassypnaya. The cleaning structures don’t work well. Help to keep all water clean.
P: Many years ago the Rassypnaya was clean. Children liked to swim in the river. People used to fish a lot. Today people like fishing too. But some things that they throw into the river kill animals. Protect animals and fish!
P: We should keep Beloglinskiy district tidy. It is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for future generations. There is a spring in our village. A lot of children from our school clean them. It’s wonderful to drink some spring water on a hot summer day clean springs.
P: You can see different kinds of trees and flowers in the meadows near our village. But today they are disappearing. Each of us must do everything possible to protect nature. Plant trees and flowers!
P: There are many animals and birds in our district. We should not make unnecessary noise. If we don’t keep to public paths in the countryside, birds and animals are frightened. We proud of our classmates who made some bird feeders, this winter and filled them with food. Take care of birds and animals.
P: Every spring I see rubbish near our village. I think that our country people do it. They throw away old things, paper, clothes, toys, bottles and plastic bags. Maybe they don’t know the 3 R rules: reduce, reuse and recycle. It’s a pity! Take litter home.

5. День Земли.
T: There is a special day around the world. It’s Earth Day. The first Earth Day was held in the USA in April in 1970. That day many people show that they take care of our fragile planet. What can you tell us about it.
P: I want to tell you a short poem.
I want to live
And not to die
I want to laugh
And not to cry!
I want to feel
The summer sun.
I want to sing
When life is fun.
I want to live
And not to die
I want to laugh
And not to cry!

6. Выводы
T: Rosalind Welcher said: " This could be such a beautiful world if we could all care just a little more”. Well can you tell me what we can do to protect the environment? 
P I: To make laws, to protect air, water and soil.
P2: To develop international cooperation. 
P3: Save water, gas and energy. 
P4: Keep your towns, cities, villages clean. 
P5: Do not pick wild flowers.
P6: Do not litter the ground with cans, paper and bottles
P1: Do not frighten animals.
P2: Do not harm plants.
P3: Feed birds and help them.
P4: Recycle used materials such as metal, bottles and paper.
P5: Clean rivers and springs.
T: NOW, I want you to read a short poem. Listen to me and think about our nature.
The trees of the forest,
The flowers on the lea,
The birds on the branches,
The fish of the sea;
The rocks and the mountains,
The rivers that flow,
The rain and the sunshine,
The ice and the snow;
The corn-fields all yellow,
The sky of deep blue:
The sweetness and beauty
Of life are for you.

7. Оценка знаний учащихся путём тестирования.
Сопоставьте фразы с их русскими эквивалентами.
1. global crisis a. Быть в ужасном беспорядке
2. international cooperation b. дальнейшее развитие
3. nuclear disaster c. ядерная катастрофа
4. to be in a terrible mess d. груда ящиков
5. further development e. глобальный кризис
6. a pile of boxes f. международное сотрудничество
7. to govern the country g. населять территорию
8. to test nuclear weapons h. сбрасывать отходы
9. to populate the area i. Проводить испытания ядерного оружия
10. to dump rubbish j. управлять страной
11. to damage the environment k. наносить вред окружающей среде
 8. Подведение итогов урока.
Выставление итоговых оценок учащимся.
Задание на дом: повторить слова и выражения по теме: « Экология».

9. Рефлексия.
Ученики показывают свое отношение к уроку.
T: If you liked the lesson, you can put a beautiful flower. If you didn’t like the lesson, you can put a bad flower.
Что у нас получилось?

Some minutes later.
T: Our short discussion is over. I’m sure that you are real friends of our planet. And you do all to keep the air, water and land clean. Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.        

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